Monthly Archives: April 2009

Ya think?

One thing’s for sure — this would have been a bigger story if it had been Bush.

Posted in Obama, Obamanomics, stoopid government | Leave a comment

Say it ain’t so Joe

Biden credits stimulus for fire station funded under Bush

Posted in stoopid politicians | Leave a comment

Global warming guilt

Small islands urge deep CO2 cuts, fear rising seas. No mention in this article of any measurable rise in sea level to date.

Posted in global warming | Leave a comment

Phages and the FDA

I read this Popular Science article on Phages during the airplane ride to Florida. Is the FDA helping or hurting? Instapundit chimes in as well.

Posted in healthcare | Leave a comment

Who doesn’t want safe food?

Erika takes on the FDA once again regarding safety in our food supply. This time it’s regarding the pistachio salmonella poisening outbreak. Which leads me to ask why the FDA is trying to expand their jurisdiction to regulating the tobacco … Continue reading

Posted in big government | Leave a comment


From the March 31st Naples Daily News letters to the editor section (scroll down to “The message?”). Editor, Daily News: Look at the picture on the front page of Thursday’s Local & State section, headlined “Jane of the jungle.” Looks … Continue reading

Posted in the weekend | Leave a comment

Lauren Siegel meet Poul Nyrum Rasmussen

Lauren, I suspect you and your many like minded friends would enjoy a nice glass of wine with Poul Nyrum Rasmussen. To bring yourself up to speed, read Poul’s editorial, “The Socialist Solution to the Crisis”, in todays Wall Street … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, global warming, socialism | Leave a comment

Cigarette/tobacco tax

The Daily Camera has a short write-up on the recently implemented tobacco tax. My comments are… I sure hope the recipients of all these tax dollars don’t count their chickens before they hatch. And for the rest of us, as … Continue reading

Posted in healthcare, taxes | 1 Comment

Another typical global warming diatribe

Lauren Siegel of Boulder brings us another typical “global warming, the world is coming to an end” diatribe mixed in with support Obama. Her first claim… America is facing bigger challenges than we’ve seen in generations — a collapsing global … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, global warming | Leave a comment

Cavuto admits past mistakes

April fools.

Posted in bailout, the weekend | Leave a comment


at least to me. The Naples Daily news comments on Obama’s entourage to the G-20 summit. Liberals, I’m interested in your justifications. Here’s the editorial in it’s entirety. Editorial: President Obama … too much of an entrance? The heads of … Continue reading

Posted in idiocy, Obama | Leave a comment