Monthly Archives: April 2009

Stoopid bicyclists on Hwy 36

Auto drivers beware, the stoopid bicyclists are out on Highway 36 north of Boulder heading south into Boulder during “dusk” times. Last night I headed into Boulder to pick up our younger daughter. It’s about 7:40 PM and the first … Continue reading

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Allentown is stoopid

The City of Allentown uses red tape to discourage Tea Party organizers. This is exactly what I would expect from City of Boulder as well. After all they used the same type of trick to almost bring a halt to … Continue reading

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Missing your butt?

Rachel has the answer.

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Buffet Stock Holding: Dec 31st 2008

Berkshire Hathaway’s equity holding from Warren Buffett’s 2008 shareholder letter. Note this does not include Moody’s or Burlington Northers Santa Fe due to different accounting treatment since Berkshire owns greater than 20% of the company. Shares Company %Co Owned Cost … Continue reading

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Missoula, MT

From the World Webcam on the sidebar…

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Largest holders of United States Debt

The top 5 are: Federal Reserve $4,800 billionMutual Fund 769China 740Japan 635State & Local Gov 525 Slideshow: The 15 Biggest Holders of US Government Debt

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Screwing with the market

When government intervenes too strongly in the market the feedback mechanism breaks that provides the market with the correct information so that it can compensate. This certainly happened in housing and the feedback also got messed up in the energy … Continue reading

Posted in capitalism, stoopid government | Leave a comment

The Boulder Climate Action Network

Riding to the rescue are all the local Boulder climate experts willing to make living in Boulder only more and more expensive. A group of local climate scientists, renewable energy experts, green-building consultants, land-use planners, policy specialists and zero-energy architects … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, global warming | Leave a comment


“Illegal” wiretapping was one of the biggest complaints of my liberal friends regarding the Bush administration. H/T to Instapundit.

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Colorado Tea Parties

Get your list of Nationwide Tea Parties scheduled for April 15th here (click on “Tea Party Schedule”. Below is info on the Denver (Facebook registration required) and Ft. Collins Tea Parties. Not surprisingly Boulder doesn’t have one scheduled. Probably because … Continue reading

Posted in big government, taxes | 1 Comment

Just because you say so?

Yea right. The failure so far of the U.N. Security Council or other international organization to respond to a weekend rocket launch by North Korea does not signal a “win” for the rogue nation, the State Department said Monday.

Posted in Obama, stoopid government, United Nations is stoopid | Leave a comment

First pitch

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Boulder County loses to RMCC

This is “old news” for people who have followed the lawsuit filed by Rocky Mountain Christian Church against Boulder County. On Monday, federal Judge Robert Blackburn ordered the Boulder County commissioners to approve within 45 days Rocky Mountain Christian Church’s … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, County Government | Leave a comment

Buffett ’08: Overpricing Risk

From the 2008 Berkshire letter to shareholders… The investment world has gone from underpricing risk to overpricing it. This change has not been minor; the pendulum has covered an extraordinary arc. A few years ago, it would have seemed unthinkable … Continue reading

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Social Security

Yikes, I was hoping to leave the social security solvency problem to my kids. Now that it’s predicted to arrive six years early it appears I might live long enough to experience the problem. Interestingly enough now that Obama is … Continue reading

Posted in big government, Boulder is stoopid, social security | Leave a comment

It takes an expert

When it comes to global warming, well especially global warming, the opinion of the Daily Camera editorial staff and more than a few commenters is if you’re not an expert you’re in no position to criticize and can’t possibly have … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder libs, global warming, the weekend | Leave a comment

FDA incompetence

As I mentioned previously, Daily Camera editorial page editor Erika Stutzman has taken the FDA to task about the United States food supply, most recently Pistachio nuts with salmonella poisening. What she doesn’t do is offer any remedies, simply notes … Continue reading

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401K: Stable value fund

Stable Value? Chrysler Fund Shows Woes Still Lurking It boggles my mind that there are companies that do not offer money market funds but do offer stable value funds as a “cash” investment option. In my previous engineering job (before … Continue reading

Posted in retirement | 1 Comment

Warning: Don’t run the table

When we get together with the in-laws all six of us play liverpool rummy. I ran the table this evening and didn’t get a single point. My name is now “mud”, and will be broadcast to the rest of the … Continue reading

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Jay Cutler, a take from a SW Florida columnist

David Moulton: Bucs make mistake by not getting Cutler The QB’s that have won the last six Super Bowls? The last six Super Bowls have been won by Tom Brady, the Manning brothers and Roethlisberger. Not a lot of “projects” … Continue reading

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