Monthly Archives: April 2009

What kind of pirates are the best kind?

Rachael has the answer.

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Testing 1, 2, 3….

Tea Party reporters for Pajamas TV, that would be the “PJTV Citizen Reporting Test Group ” who number over 500 are testing uploading pictures and videos today. You can view their efforts here.

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Now that’ll work…

The Obama administrations message to North Korea… North Korea must “cease its provocative threats” and respect the will of the international community, which won’t accept the communist country unless it abandons what the White House calls its pursuit of nuclear … Continue reading

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Hey, I sorta said that!

Tea Party Panic… I’ll tell you who they are, Jane and Oliver. They’re your worst nightmare: they’re small-governmenters first and party-loyalists second. See my discussion at the bottom of this post.

Posted in big government, stoopid politicians, Tea Party | Leave a comment

Peter Principle defeated?

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Tea Party updates

Get your updates at Tax Day Tea Party.

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Tea Party invite

H/T to Michelle Malkin.

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Shiojiri, Nagano, Japan

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How far will patriotism take us?

See more here…. The administration should hope these top producers don’t go “John Galt” on them. One other interesting factoid, the tax code contains 3,700,000 words. That’s a lot btw.

Posted in big government, stoopid government, stoopid politicians, taxes | Leave a comment

Nine Social Security facts

This fact stands out to me… From 2009-2017, the number of retirees receiving Social Security will grow by 23.9%, the number of workers by only 4.3%. In other words, the number of retirees will grow more than five times faster … Continue reading

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In Social Security “years” it’s now 2017

Yep, Social Security isn’t supposed to be in deficit until 2017. Surprise, the program made it 8 years early (almost). It’s not quite that bleak as surpluses are projected from 2013 to 2015. Federal budget worrywarts (myself included) have been … Continue reading

Posted in financial crisis, social security | Leave a comment

Wrong side of history?

It appears that members of Congress are avoiding the Tax Day Tea Party protests. According to Neil Cavuto they’re on the wrong side of history. Actually I think that’s fine, there are few members of Congress that have the moral … Continue reading

Posted in big government, Tea Party | Leave a comment

U.N. an ally of the United States

Don’t think so! I had no idea the general public had developed such a distaste for the UN. Bravo. From the Rasmussen article… Fifty-seven percent (57%) of political liberals classify the U.N. as America’s ally, but just 15% of conservatives … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, United Nations | Leave a comment

Anti-tea party drivel

From the

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Tea Party coverage

What say Daily Camera? Your silence on the Tea Parties only reflects on you, not that your readers care. Guess you got that part figured out! 😉 I bet you if there was a protest of taxpayers demanding we all … Continue reading

Posted in msm, stimulus, Tea Party | Leave a comment


The Simpson stamps are out. Hat-tip to Erika.

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The Health insurance entitlement mentality

There are definintely some “moral hazard” issues involved.

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The uninsured: How many?

One thing is for sure, the number of US citizens cronically uninsured is exageratted. That said, this article makes interesting reading on the health insurance crisis and there are good comments, along with some “typical” comments, on both sides of … Continue reading

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Message to the rich…

Leave now while you still can. Bill Whittle suggests the “Rush Limbaugh getting out of New York” on a much grander scale. Well, I read this article in the Washington Post, and I thought: there you have it. The top … Continue reading

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