
From the March 31st Naples Daily News letters to the editor section (scroll down to “The message?”).

Editor, Daily News:

Look at the picture on the front page of Thursday’s Local & State section, headlined “Jane of the jungle.”

Looks like fun — a little girl swinging from a palm frond. Wow!

But, how dangerous is this? I believe this palm frond weighs about 50 or more pounds.

What if it broke off? How dangerous is this to kids?

I believe your picture is leading kids into danger while suggesting this is fun. Please alert parents and children to the safety issues with this kind of fun.

Mick Dola


There was a picture in the actual paper that isn’t on the web site.

Personally, I don’t want be anywhere near Mick Dola. Last Saturday my 18 years old daughter slipped on the ice at the Pikes Peak parking lot at Denver Intl Airport and almost broker her ankle. Was it preventable, I suspect so, but at what cost? What level of caution would I have had to build into her everyday life to have prevented this accident? There’s no way of knowing, but I suspect it would have taken a lot of caution and missed opportunities in her life.

While I (and especially her) would have been ecstatic if this accident didn’t happen, she gets her ankle out of the 5 day cast tomorrow. I feel sure she would vote to take the freedom over the rules and regulations that would have prevented this accident.

From an entrepreneurial point of view, go out and live life, just like the girl in the picture, don’t wait.

You cannot afford to take a “wait and see” approach. I mean, wait and see WHAT exactly? How the Dow performs? Where the CPI numbers come in? What the President’s approval rating is? If you think that you (sitting in your little ole startup office) will actually *know* when the economy turns, you’re being foolish. You’re not gonna know until AFTER it has already turned. In the meantime, you’d better get your butt out there and land some business. If you “wait and see,” you’ll most likely just be waiting around to see exactly what date your termination notice is gonna come on.

Mick will be “waiting and seeing” until no one gets hurt in the perfect world he lives in. I hope that day never comes.

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