Buffet Stock Holding: Dec 31st 2008

Berkshire Hathaway’s equity holding from Warren Buffett’s 2008 shareholder letter. Note this does not include Moody’s or Burlington Northers Santa Fe due to different accounting treatment since Berkshire owns greater than 20% of the company.

Shares Company %Co Owned Cost Market
151,610,700 American Express Co 13.1 $ 1,287 $ 2,812
200,000,000 The Coca-Cola Co 8.6 1,299 9,054
84,896,273 ConocoPhillips 5.7 7,008 4,398
30,000,000 Johnson & Johnson 1.1 1,847 1,795
130,272,500 Kraft Foods Inc 8.9 4,330 3,498
3,947,544 POSCO 5.2 768 1,191
91,941,010 The Proctor & Gamble Co 3.1 643 5,684
22,111,966 Sanofi-Aventis 1.7 1,827 1,404
11,262,000 Swiss Re 3.2 773 530
227,307,p00 Tesco plc 2.9 1,326 1,193
75,145,426 U.S. Bancorp 4.3 2,337 1,879
19,944,300 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc 0.5 942 1,118
1,727,765 The Washington Post Co 18.4 11 674
304,392,068 Wells Fargo & Co 7.2 6,702 8,973
Others 6,035 4,870
Total Common Stocks Carried at Market $ 37,135 $ 49,073

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