Another typical global warming diatribe

Lauren Siegel of Boulder brings us another typical “global warming, the world is coming to an end” diatribe mixed in with support Obama.

Her first claim…

America is facing bigger challenges than we’ve seen in generations — a collapsing global economy, soaring unemployment rates, and a rapidly warming climate.

The first two are a lot more obvious than the last. Even then, you would think we’re already at Great Depression levels of unemployment, where the truth is we’re nowhere close. The global warming claim is nowhere near as obvious, not even close.

She then claims that… “Doing nothing is not an option”. I tell you that’s far from clear to me, but for the “in government we trust” crowd it’s no surprise they feel that way.

Wait, wait, wait… we cannot forget Lauren’s note that…

Meanwhile, local temperatures have been reaching record highs of 75 degrees or higher in March.

Oh my goodness, has that ever happened before???? Whenever a critic of global warming sites temperature information, they are quickly reminded that day to day temperatures are not climate. So Lauren, here’s your reminder, day to day temperature, that would be “weather” is NOT the same as climate. Also, do you have any clue, any clue at all how big the world is? Your little piece of quantitative data in Boulder Colorado, standing by itself means absolutely nothing. Also, I believe it’s been snowing there lately? That WAS ice at DIA on Saturday that my daughter fell and almost broke her ankle on wasn’t it? Phone calls back to Boulder have informed me that even more snow is falling. Can I conclude from this data that weather is back to normal or that there isn’t any global warming? Lauren, you can see historical temperature data at this NOAA website for Boulder. Be sure and scroll down to the March data. A high of 75 degrees, which I’m taking your word on, would have been a record for 10 days during the month, all before March 16th. The record high for March was 83 degrees on March 21st in, you guessed it, 1910!

Lauren goes on to claim..

By investing in renewable energy and moving America off of polluting fossil fuels, we can create jobs and cut energy costs

If going green will cut energy costs, please explain how. My friend recently installed a solar panel and he wasn’t making any claims that the payoff period was anytime soon. He does appreciate the ability to sell power back to “the grid” but he’s under no illusion that it’s going to produce power at night or anything like that! I have to back off and say that green isn’t bad, witness my recent post on Mid-America energy and their increase in wind power over the last decade.

Moving along, Lauren goes on to state that…

Saving the economy and solving the climate crisis go hand-in-hand. Our addiction to fossil fuels will remain a large and increasing drag on our economy, and we cannot have a prosperous future while ignoring the climate crisis.

I don’t see any relationship at all. The “climate crisis”, if there is one goes in very slow motion. The economic crisis is moving orders of magnitude faster. They are virtually independent. Is there only “the one way” Lauren? Keep drinking the kool-aid.

How much money should we spend on green energy? How much money should we print or borrow from the Chinese to fund our green energy initiatives? If it’s so profitable is it a conspiracy that keeps the industry from taking off?

At what point are we not preparing for a prosperous future as you claim Lauren, but laying the seeds for our economic demise by borrowing trillions of dollars? Recently the United Kingdom had a failed bond auction. Do you have any idea what that means? Have you considered it might happen here? Is there a point where you will stop digging to support your ideas no matter what the economic cost might be?

I didn’t think so.

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