Daily Archives: April 16, 2009

Tea Party: “Dispicable and Shameful”

That’s according to Representative Jean Schakowsky. Instapundit does the takedown…. If only it weren’t so easy. Jean Schakowsky doesn’t understand the problem. Odds are she never will. Reactions like this only strengthen my resolve that the Tea Parties are good … Continue reading

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Tea Party T-shirts and Posters

Great variety of T-shirts and posters from the Atlanta Tea Party. I particularly like this one.

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You were worried about wiretapping?

Under the Bush administration liberals were screaming about the illegal wiretaps. It’s worse now. I can’t hear you! This is a New York Times report of all sources! I still can’t hear you!

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The Obama burger

You don’t get to eat the whole thing!

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Nashville Tea Party

More indications that Tea Parties are not a GOP “thing”. But disorganization has its benefits. This was not a partisan political event. The national GOP, and even most Republican members of Congress kept their distance. One elected representative who was … Continue reading

Posted in big government, Tea Party | 1 Comment

White house and the Tea Parties

So did the Tea Parties infuriate the White House or were they ignorant of them? Is CNBC too conservative? Good grief. 😉

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Tea party Republican smackdown

Michelle documents California GOP chair Ron Nehring being “smacked down” at the Sacramento Tea Party. This movement is not as simple minded as many believe. Doesn’t mean it won’t die, but it has the potential to be more broad based … Continue reading

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Tea party politics

Judging from comments I’ve read in the local Boulder paper, the tea party movement is incorrectly being pigeonholed into the right wing conservative wacko box. I don’t think that reflects reality. To me, this Jennifer Rubin article at Pajama’s media … Continue reading

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Colorado Tea Party participation

Denver: 5,000 to 6,000 Fort Collins: 1000 (organizers say closer to 2,000) Loveland: ???? I’ll update when I get more info. I’ve been quite busy today tending to other things.

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The Deficit

The two graphs below depicting decline in tax receipts and the increase in government spending as a percentage of income (tax receipts) are produced from this U.S. Treasury data. The graph below depicts government spending as a % of income … Continue reading

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