What strings come with TARP money

Is it really the right thing to do, single out a group of people for a special tax? If it is, who will be the next target? John Hinderaker of the Power Line blog expounds on that theme…

I’m stupefied to find that some people are defending the constitutionality of Nancy Pelosi’s discriminatory, confiscatory and retroactive tax on people who receive bonus income from companies that got TARP money. I would have considered it a bright line rule that the government can’t identify a class of unpopular people and impose a special tax on them. What’s next? A 100% income tax on registered Republicans, retroactive to last year? If Pelosi’s bill passes muster, why not?

Not surprisingly, the editorial page editor of the Daily Camera applauds the idea. I’m sure she believes this is one of the least controversial thoughts/tweets she’s had.

Yes! Some sanity. Obama asks to get the AIG bonuses blocked

Although the amount of the bonuses seem extreme our politicians should be very careful, this is a slippery slope with many unintended consequences.

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