More Boulder global warming groupthink

From a University of Colorado student concerned about the effects of global warming on hers and future generations.

My name is Laila and I am an Environmental Studies Major at the University of Colorado at Boulder. As a student who is concerned about her future as well as that of generations to come, i hope Coloradans are becoming aware of our need to reduce our green house gas emissions by 80% by 2050 to avert any catastrophic changes in climate. Right now, the future of my generation is at stake and I am not willing to risk it so that a few people can make a buck off of cheap, polluting, hazardous energy sources.

Laila, I turn off lights in our house, keep the house at 64 degrees during the daytime and 62 or 63 at night. We do warm it up to 67 in the morning and around dinner time for a few hours. Our furnace is high efficiency as is our hot water heater. We have been using the CFL bulbs in many of our light sockets. Heck, I recycle every weekend too!

The problem is, I don’t believe you. That doesn’t mean I don’t support using CFL’s or converting to solar as it makes sense, but I’m not for damaging our economy by using stoopid incentives to increase the cost for everyone doing business. It’s not just big corporations that suffer, it’s all business and a lot of us work for “real” businesses.

The shrill screaming of James Hansen from NASA and Al Gore do nothing for me. I suspect their pictures are posters in your office, dorm room or off campus apartment.

Also, climate has been changing for 1000’s of years and will continue to change.

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1 Response to More Boulder global warming groupthink

  1. Anonymous says:

    You’re being left in the dust, little man. Climate change is being recognized as the looming issue it is, and more directly (for the ‘common sense’ groups you seem to be a part of) ocean acidification is a clear harmful impact of increasing CO2 levels. You can whine about changing economics and lifestyles til the cows come home (or don’t) but the weight of evidence just doesn’t support you.

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