Freeman Dyson: Civil heretic

Laila, meet Freeman (“all the fuss about global warming is grossly exaggerated”)Dyson

IT WAS FOUR YEARS AGO that Dyson began publicly stating his doubts about climate change. Speaking at the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future at Boston University, Dyson announced that “all the fuss about global warming is grossly exaggerated.” Since then he has only heated up his misgivings, declaring in a 2007 interview with that “the fact that the climate is getting warmer doesn’t scare me at all” and writing in an essay for The New York Review of Books, the left-leaning publication that is to gravitas what the Beagle was to Darwin, that climate change has become an “obsession” — the primary article of faith for “a worldwide secular religion” known as environmentalism. Among those he considers true believers, Dyson has been particularly dismissive of Al Gore, whom Dyson calls climate change’s “chief propagandist,” and James Hansen, the head of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York and an adviser to Gore’s film, “An Inconvenient Truth.” Dyson accuses them of relying too heavily on computer-generated climate models that foresee a Grand Guignol of imminent world devastation as icecaps melt, oceans rise and storms and plagues sweep the earth, and he blames the pair’s “lousy science” for “distracting public attention” from “more serious and more immediate dangers to the planet.”

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2 Responses to Freeman Dyson: Civil heretic

  1. Anonymous says:

    Well, you certainly know how to associate yourself with fools. Nice work! More CO2 – better for plants! Woo hoo! Science for folks with ‘common sense’. If I can’t see it, it’s not real.

    I sure wouldn’t want to be in your compound trying to survive after the big melt. Have fun with all your ‘common sense’ friends, and leave the ‘scientists’ to muddle through on their own.

  2. ChrisA says:

    Freeman Dyson a fool?

    Is that because of his views on GW or is there something more substantial ?

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