“Bumper sticker” and a poster

From an e-mail…

And a poster

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2 Responses to “Bumper sticker” and a poster

  1. M-dub says:

    Hello. I looked at your blog and couldn’t stop laughing! It’s hilarious! And Scary at the same time! Because it all rings so true! I’ve thought about creating a NObama bumper sticker, but right now work at a liberal university and don’t know how that would go over! The guys a real gem!

  2. ChrisA says:

    M-dub, Glad you stumbed on my blog and enjoy it. We live in interesting times don’t we? It’s interesting when you live in a very liberal environment like a University town, that everyone assumes you thing the same way they do? My wife finally started speaking out when people just assumed she was part of the groupthink. People were shocked.

    Stay strong.

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