Uneducated and unfit

Joanne Jacobs reports on a Penn State accounting professor who states that todays students are “uneducated and unfit for a college education“.

Color me not suprised at all.

Commenting on math education, Professor Ketz states…

To begin, today’s average accounting major cannot perform what used to be Algebra I and II in high school. Students cannot solve simultaneous equations. Students have difficulty with present value computations, not to mention formula derivations. Students even have difficulty employing the high-low method to derive a cost function, something that merely requires one to estimate a straight line from two points.

Liberals, you can thank “new math” for this situation. Professors don’t want your student to solve the equation in a group setting, or by guessing, or even by “discovering” a new and insightful way to do it. They want their students to APPLY the math they have already learned. Unfortunately, many didn’t learn it.

Joanne comments…

Worst of all: Modern students aren’t willing to work.

But they’ve got great self-esteem.

Unfortunately, as Joanne discusses in another post, the stimulus funding in education is most likely to go to “more of the same“. Troubling indeed.

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