Monthly Archives: February 2009

One hell of a pretty picture, eh?

This is how you spell “No Confidence”!

Posted in financial crisis, Obamanomics, stimulus | Leave a comment

Global warming spokespersons

Here’s a quick look at the education level of the array of global warming spokespersons. Of course, I meant “climate change”.

Posted in global warming | Leave a comment

Green alternatives

Renewable energy has its own set of problems. Although scientists are agreed that we must cut carbon emissions from transport and electricity generation to prevent the globe’s climate becoming hotter, and more unpredictable, the most advanced “renewable” technologies are too … Continue reading

Posted in alt energy | Leave a comment


California leads the way in demonstrating what not to do! As California continues more of the same policies that have brought it to the sorry state it is in now, the rest of the country needs to watch and learn … Continue reading

Posted in financial crisis, idiocy, stimulus | Leave a comment

What Bush said

Hope and Change Administration: Detainees have “no constitutional rights”Boggles the mind.

Posted in terrorism | Leave a comment

Most capitalist nation in the world…

That would be China according to Jim Rogers. His best advice, teach your children mandarin.

Posted in China | Leave a comment

Thin skin at the white house

Apparently the Obama administration is upset by CNBC reporter Rick Santelli’s recent ‘rant’. They need to get a thicker skin, this is America.

Posted in stimulus | Leave a comment

Play nice!

The IRS wouldn’t retaliate against an attorney who complained about an agent would they?

Posted in big government, taxes | Leave a comment

State Bill 148 (Bicyclists)

The Longmont Times Call editorial staff chimes in supporting Colorado State bill 148. Brophy’s bill, Senate Bill 148, would require drivers to put 3 feet of space between them and bicyclists they pass. It also would stiffen penalties for people … Continue reading

Posted in stoopid boulder cyclists, the weekend | 1 Comment

GM just doesn’t get it….

and Gregory Fox, President of Knox Machinary delivers the news (verified by snopes). The letter from Troy Clarke of General Motors… Dear Employees & Suppliers,Congress and the current Administration will soon determine whether to provide immediate support to the domestic … Continue reading

Posted in auto bailout, stimulus | Leave a comment

Stimulus spending

See how the pie is divided. Good luck in getting your bite!

Posted in stimulus | Leave a comment

What recession? Infomercials are booming

Embedded video from CNN Video

Posted in economy, the weekend | Leave a comment

Santelli for senate

More here. I bet the angry renters would vote for Rick!

Posted in stimulus | Leave a comment

Winging it?

It’s not hard to believe the Obama administration is winging it, and Karl Rove makes the case in this WSJ editorial. His conclusion is “spot on”… The president, a bright and skilled politician, has plenty of time to recover. The … Continue reading

Posted in Obama | Leave a comment

More taxes the answer?

Even Mayor Bloomberg of NYC warns against blindly raising taxes… But late last week Mayor Bloomberg was channelling these columns when he said that raising taxes on high earners could drive them from the city. “One percent of the households … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, stimulus, taxes | Leave a comment

Who IS this guy?

Vaclav Klaus is at it again. “The European Union has turned into an undemocratic and elitist project comparable to the Communist dictatorships of eastern Europe that forbade alternative thinking, Czech President Vaclav Klaus told the European Parliament on Thursday.” If … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, freedom, global warming | Leave a comment

Widespread agreement

Yea, among the political elite and progressives. All people who like to spend other people’s money. We’re talking global warming of course. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says he wants to take up a bill to tackle global warming by … Continue reading

Posted in global warming, stoopid politicians | Leave a comment

Wien, Austria

From the webcam on the sidebar…

Posted in the weekend | Leave a comment

Santelli’s Chicago Tea Party

’nuff said!

Posted in stimulus | Leave a comment

Critque of Fagen’s I.G.Y.

Turns out I.G.Y. stand for International Geophysical Year. That rings a distant bell. At anyrate, the review makes for interesting reading.

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