Goodbye Rocky….

The Daily Camera has an editorial on the demise of the Rocky Mountain News. It quickly morphs into an brief review of the dire situation on the newspaper industry in general, noting the Daily Camera is far from immune. Most interesting though, is the first comment from “reader” nospyware. In part it states…

Ms. Stutzman, even those critical of the media are saddened about the Rocky. But we are even more saddened about what has become of the “mainstream” press in general. There is arguably no institution in our nation that has so abdicated its sacred and constitutionally protected trust and so failed in its duty to the public. The theme is a recurring one- many simply resent the ideological bias in the media, and while they will view for free, it has become more like gawking at a fatal accident- lots will strain to look, but they sure wouldn’t want to be a willing and supportive participant.

Read the editorial and comment.
Although most present DC subscribers probably fail to see the bias and disagree with the poster, to me, he hit the nail on the head. We stopped subscribing years ago and I bet we’ve bought less then five editions of the Camera in that period of time.

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