Capitulation not “compromise”

Writing on the passing of the stimulus package, Pat Toomey concludes…

Senator Specter cites John F. Kennedy, who said: “In politics, nobody gets everything, nobody gets nothing, and everybody gets something.” In this case, the Democrats get almost everything, and the American taxpayers get to look forward to generations of debt. We have three “moderate” Republicans to thank for that crowning achievement. Let’s remember who they are.

“They” are:

Olympia Snowe (Maine)

Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania)

Susan Collins (Maine)

What is it about Maine? I think there’s a shortage of ‘L’s!

Oh, and note this nugget…

The ink on the House bill was not yet dry when Senator Specter himself introduced an amendment to add $6 billion in spending for the National Institutes of Health. The bill is stuffed with pork projects and spending programs that don’t even pretend to be about economic growth.

I am totally against the magnitude of this stimulus. There is absolutely no way wise spending will come out of it, and if you drop money from the sky all you’ll get is a great big riot.

Is there a role for government in this rescue, there probably is, but it needs a totally new perspective. The Specter amendment, ONLY $6 Billion f*cking dollars, is a symptom of the disease that infects American politics. Until that disease is put in check, the problems will not be solved. Nothing from the new administration leads me to believe that politics as usual is going to change.

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