Capitol Hill phone lines are a tad busy

Seems like voters/citizens are getting sick and tired of politics as usual and are calling their representatives to complain. Here are a few highlights…

It’s because of people like Betty Davidson.

“I’m very upset!” exclaimed the 63-year-old from Laguna Hills, California.

She called her senators Tuesday, frustrated with the almost $900 billion-dollar economic recovery proposal.

“What a joke!” she said.

But she is particularly incensed by news that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and former Obama appointees Tom Daschle and Nancy Killefer didn’t pay their taxes properly in the past. “They can make the laws, but they don’t have to abide by the laws,” she complained. “It’s only we taxpayers.”


“These people are almost feeling like suckers now for paying taxes, because no one else does,” said the group’s vice president, David Williams.

That about sums it up. Those of you who don’t “feel like suckers” yet, might finally get it as the government borrows $920 billion and flushes it down the toilet.

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