The simplistic Boulder/progressive mindset

Lora Hansen-Beard has advice for Presdent Obama…

From my simple down-home view, what this country needs most is a connection to their citizenship economically. This includes access to ALL possible health care.

I suggest Mr. Obama set out two executive orders upon taking office. The first is that all citizens are entitled to health care of their own choosing with licensed caregivers. Set this up through the Department of Defense, as terror attacks in the future are more likely to be with germs and toxins than with guns and bombs.

The next order of business is to establish a Citizen Stipend. This is what it says, no more, no less. Every citizen receives it, and its the same set amount for everyone, on an annual basis. The citizen him/herself can choose a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, bi-annually or annual dispersal. Like any other income, it can attached for legal redresses before being dispersed.

Access to ALL possible health care? For “free” no less? Does health care grow on trees?

Give money to citizens? Why?

And if you’re not a citizen…

For those children whose parents or caregivers are not citizens, financial guardians through Social Services can be provided. The parent’s home nation’s aide can be deducted for the maintenance costs. With these in place, this nation will recover quickly from its problems. People will have both pride and secure pocketbooks. Then if Mr. Obama is as smart has he seems, he’ll keep himself and his government friends out of the recovery’s way!

The last sentence is by far the most palatable of the

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