Stoopid Boulder pedestirans

As the locals know, Boulder has installed flashing crossing lights at many crosswalks in Boulder. Tonight as I was driving home there was, once again, a Pedestrian crossing at a designated crosswalk, in the dark, dressed in dark clothing that had not pressed the crosswalk lights.

It seems where crosswalk lights are installed it should be mandatory that pedestrians use the lights. This is not the case as explained at this City of Boulder website explaining the crosswalk rules and regulations.

Pedestrian-actuated flashing signs are used primarily on multi-lane roadways where one car may shield the view of a pedestrian from another car approaching in the neighboring lane. The flashing yellow lights advise drivers to slow down and prepare to stop for possible crosswalk users even if they can’t see ahead of the cars in the neighboring lane.

Vehicles are always required to yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk whether there are flashing signs or not. The flashing signs are intended to provide additional warning to drivers that a pedestrian is present.

Studies have shown that these enhancements substantially increase the compliance of vehicles yielding to pedestrians and enable pedestrians to cross more quickly.

Since this is not the case, it seems to me that the City should light all crosswalks at night so that automobile drivers can see the pedestrians that have a death wish and don’t use the Pedestrian warning lights. Of course this is not going to happen since it’s Boulders goal to do everything legally possible to discourage driving in the City.

Bicyclists, please note…

A bicyclist is afforded the same rights as a pedestrian in a crosswalk when the bicyclist enters the crosswalk at walking speed.

It would also be a great thing if at night your bicycle was equipped with a front and back (preferably flashing) light and appropriate reflectors. Of course that would be asking too much wouldn’t it?

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