Red light camera commentor nails it

Daily Camera editors, read this comment regarding the Rocky Mountain News coverage of the Denver red light cameras. Why aren’t you doing reporting like this?

Brix57 writes:

This is perhaps the perfect article of how a local newspaper is supposed to operate. Here we have a local reporter actually reporting on a local policy, reporting on the indifference of the local police and reporting on the performance of a company contracted. We really don’t care about all the news that happens outside our local area, written by people that have maybe never set foot in Colorado. We want the local news that directly affects us here.

I can only imagine that this is only the tallest tip of an iceberg that the local newspapers could cover. It only takes a local newspaper to report on the vast inefficiencies of our government that wastes incredible amounts of our tax money. There are so many laws and policies on the books that never get enforced and so many that slip through the cracks. Our local newspapers never cover these, and they wonder why they are losing readers.

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