It’s not about the money!

Aspen eateries sue bomber’s estate.

“We’re not doing this for the money,” said Scott Brasington, a co-owner of Kenichi, which is spearheading the lawsuit against Blanning, who committed suicide on the side of the road early on New Year’s Day.

“We’re doing this to make a statement. . . . We feel it belongs to the restaurant workers who took a huge hit. It’s not just the restaurant owners – it’s the waiters, the waitresses, the bartenders, the guys in the kitchen.”

While 10 restaurants have joined in the lawsuit, Brasington said other restaurants are encouraged to join the effort.

Hey, James Blanning was a scumbag and he ruined New Years Eve for Aspen and their bars and restaurants. Get over it and move on. Me, if I were to eat in Aspen, I’d try and frequent a restaurant that’s moving forward, not living in the past. If it’s not about the $$’s, who are they trying to teach a lesson to? Is it for publicity? Help me, my simple mind is sooo confused.

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