Global Warming kool-aid

(Guest) columnist Clay Evans is apparently worried that with the cold weather the global warming skeptics (and deniers) are finally starting to get some traction. You can read his absolute declarations on global warming here.

First and foremost, global warming is a statistically established fact. With a century’s worth of data under the microscope, we know that global temperatures, atmospheric carbon and other “greenhouse gases” have been rising steadily.

Read our lips: There is no debate.

Isn’t that the liberals way, there is “no debate”! Clay, climate change has been going on since the earth was formed. Could man have a small effect on the climate? Yep, I could believe that. Is less CO2 better than more CO2? Yep, I could believe that. Are drastic actions called for? I seriously doubt it.

Clay concludes…

The Earth’s climate is an incredibly vast, complex and chaotic system. Perhaps we should leave conclusions about warming to scientists who actually understand the phenomenon.

Well, yes it is but I’m far from convinced the scientists that dispurse the information (whatever happened to the predicted runaway temperature depicted by the hockey stick?) really know what’s going on. If they did, their models would work. If they did, they would have predicted the rapid growth of the Arctic ice cap this winter.

The “true believers” like Clay are the fanatics that concern me much more than “climate change”.

One must wonder what it would take to change Clay’s mind. For one who despises organized religion it’s surprising that he can’t see he’s a front man for the Church of Global Warming.

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1 Response to Global Warming kool-aid

  1. Anonymous says:

    Chris A – You’re looking micro, not macro. Yearly temperature variations are impossible to predict. The best predictions come from the Farmer’s Almanac, not very scientific. However, the century-long and even decade-long trend is clear. Increased CO2 in the atmosphere = increased global temperatures. And that is worrisome, as CO2 began increasing in the atmosphere remarkably at the same time as first world countries industrialized. If the polar ice cap is growing this winter, it’s decade-long and century-long trend is of decline. That means sea levels rising. That is a problem that we need to address.

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