Corruption Democrat style

Power Line peels the onion on how Tom Daschle became wealthy via his wife and his own increased income since he lost his South Dakota seat in the Senate.

The concluding paragraphs make for interesting reading…

Is Tom Daschle a crook, or is it fairer to think of him as a low-level tool of various big-time crooks who play the Washington game by the corrupt rules of the Democratic Party? Either way, it is hard to think of a worse person to put in charge of “reforming” the nation’s health care system.

Still, there is always a silver lining. One good thing about electing a Democrat as President is that, as he nominates fellow Democrats to senior positions in the Executive Branch, millions of dollars in unpaid tax liabilities come to light and are belatedly paid to the IRS, with interest. It is, perhaps, the most tangible advantage of electing Democrats to office.

There is plenty of corruption going around, both in private industry and government. With the majority of Americans having consumed the “government will save us kool-aid” it’s critical that these same individuals demand adherence to the law by our elected representatives. Tax cheats should not be tolerated as policy makers and that includes the likes of Timothy Geithner, Tom Daschle and Charlie Rangle. I’m happy to put some Republican names up, these are simply the ones in the news these days.

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