Randy Weinard takes on Judge Klein

Longmont citizen Randy Weinard took out an “illegal” ad in the Daily Camera against the re-election of Judge Klein. Apparently he unknowingly broke a few campaign finance laws to do it, which is unfortunate, but it doesn’t take anything away from his message.

Weinard joined hundreds of others at a boisterous rally last November to denounce McLean and Stevens for making the ownership claim on Don and Susie Kirlin’s neighboring lot.

“Property rights are pretty dear to our lives, and we get a judge who can’t figure that out and we need to get rid of him,” Weinard said.

Hmmm, that be would what was left of the Kirlin’s lot after Dick McLean and Edie Stevens, with the help of Judge Klein, legally stole 1/3 of their property.

Not to fear, we have the Boulder County Bar association riding to Judge Klein’s rescue…

The Boulder County Bar Association issued a statement Thursday defending Klein’s judicial integrity in the face of the advertisement’s denunciation of the judge.

With regard to the adverse-possession case, the organization said Klein “applied the facts of the case to the law as it existed at the time” and to have done otherwise “would have been to engage in judicial activism.”

Executive Director Christine Hylbert said the association is concerned that the ad, which used the catch-phrase, “You can’t pick your neighbors, but you can pick your judges,” doesn’t tell the full story about Klein’s decisions and qualifications.

“We hope we can put the facts out there and that a judge won’t be negatively affected by a few people who don’t understand what happened (in that case),” she said.

Christine Hylbert, I saw the facts with my own eyes and Judge Klein needs a new set of eyes. Not to mention knowing a few of the McLean/Stevens neighbors that claim that no path existed for all these years.

The circling the wagons by the legal profession would be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic. The only way I can explain their actions is they have this undeniable urge to join the politicians, the President, Fannie and Freddie and the rest of the brilliant financial minds at the bottom of the reputation barrel.

Going forward, picking a jury is going to be more and more a terrifying experience for the attorneys and Judges in the courtroom. How many of the local population has lost respect for the courtroom process due to this case? I’m pretty sure none of you legal eagles will ever put me on a jury again!

For Randy to be investigated for not following campaign finance reform laws requires the filing of a complaint.

Weinard could face a fine of up to five times what he spent to buy the ad, said Secretary of State spokesman Richard Coolidge.

He said his office would begin an investigation into the advertisement if it receives a complaint about it. He said no complaint had been received by his office by the end of the day Thursday.

Of course, the only people who would file a complaint would be supporters of Judge Klein. I suspect either they will not file a complaint or will wait until after the election. Surely they must realize that every time his name comes up in the press, he’s just going to receive more of the same bad press and comments that he already has. My suggestion to Judge Klein supporters is to “lay low” and get out and vote.

Of course, I hope you’re in a minority.

For good entertainment, follow the link and read the comments!

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