Randy Luallin on Telling the Truth

Libertarian candidate Randy Luallin wrote a letter taking County Commissioners Ben Pearlman and Will Toor to task on the subject of truth telling. Unfortunately, the Daily Camera, who is fully in the hip pocket of the current power troika, never let Randy’s letter out of the letter to the editor blog. Here’s the first paragraph of his letter…

In a recent public forum Will Toor the Democratic incumbent County Commissioner publicly told me that I need to learn to tell the truth. He was referring to comments I had made regarding the County’s litigation with the Rocky Mountain Christian Church I will refer to as RMCC. My comments were that the County had brought lawsuit against a community- based religious organization and, in the approximate two year process for them to receive their building permit in which they have spent almost a million dollars, that not one of their representatives on the Board of Commissioners including Will Toor have set foot on the property or spoken with the leaders of the congregation to resolve this issue. Will Toor corrected me in saying it was RMCC that had brought suit against the County, and Ben Pearlman another Democratic Incumbent spoke up and said he was personally involved with talks with RMCC that “broke down”.

Follow the link and read the rest of the story.

Since I’m sure that the Daily Camera is in full agreement with the Commissioners efforts to prevent RMCC from expanding, why would they give Randy’s letter any more visibility than they already had to? It’s too bad, as the County Commissioners should get, and deserve, some heat from the local press. Unfortunately, all they get from the Daily Camera are ringing endorsements.

I’m not a member of RMCC and don’t care for the mega-church concept.

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