MSM: Stop being a lapdog

Jennifer Rubin unloads on the MSM. Her commentary is so potent it’s hard to copy highlights so go read it…. NOW. Here’s her conclusion…

No one is suggesting these should be the only topics explored by the media, but the fact that none of them has been leaves one to conclude that the MSM has chosen sides. They are no longer covering the campaign, they are bolstering one side and making news judgments which invariably aid one side over the other. That, at the very least, deserves some cat calls.

MSM, if you want to remain relevant keep these words in mind from Jennifer as well…

If MSM wants to be treated as impartial arbiter, a “watchdog” and not a lapdog of one candidate, its members should consider some behavior modification.

Of course, one of the biggest lapdogs locally is the Boulder Daily Camera. It’s a close race between the paper remaining viable as a financial entity and being credible from an editorial point of view. Stepping back, it’s hard to imagine them going out of business but I for one wouldn’t shed a tear. I’m sure it would never occur to them that alienating the 35% of the voting population that’s Republican, not to mention Libertarians (and libertarians with a small ‘l’) living in the county might just have a very large impact on their profit margin. My wife and I stopped taking the DC 3 – 4 years ago and don’t plan to ever subscribe again.

Hat-tip to Instapundit.

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