Daily Camera endorsements for County Commissioners

I’m front running the Daily Camera as they haven’t yet made their County Commissioner endorsements. With voting starting on Monday they will probably make them over the weekend. But the Boulder is a Stoopid Place oracle can predict who the Daily Camera will endorse and that will be:

Will Toor
Ben Pearlman
Cindy Domenico

I’m sure they will write sophisticated justifications/platitudes for their positions while tipping their hat to the multitude of challengers. Frankly I’m sick and tired of micromanaging County Commissioners who have such little respect for private property rights. The ballot will have the following selections…

District 1:

Will Toor – Democrat
Ralph Shnelvar – Libertarian
Patrick Brophy – Republican

District 2:

Ben Pearlman – Democrat
Bo Shaffer – Libertarian
Aaron Hobbs – Republican

District 3:

Cindy Domenico – Democrat
Randy Luallin – Libertarian
Dick Murphy – Republican

My endorsements, which mean absolutely nothing are for (insert drumroll here!) all three Libertarian candidates:

District 1: Ralph Shnelvar
District 2: Bo Shaffer
District 3: Randy Luallin

My main logic is as follows:

1. I sick and tired of the “meet the new boss, same as the old boss” series of County Commissioners that Boulder County as had. In this case, if the Democratic slate wins, the above statement is literally true.

2. I figure that Republicans in Boulder county have absolutely no chance of winning.

3. What I have read from Ralph Shnelvar and Randy Luallin has appealed to me and I’m convinced they would be a breath of fresh air when it comes to County government.

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