The New York Post has an editorial today on ACORN vote theft…
Still, the fact that the Justice Department has gotten involved signifies an appreciation that what ACORN has tried to portray as the inevitably haphazard efforts of local organizers is more likely a nationwide, coordinated voter-registration scam.
Frankly, it seems to be far too widespread to be anything but that.
More than a dozen states are looking into the registration efforts of the pro-Obama organization – and hundreds of thousands of suspicious or outright fraudulent voter sign-ups have been unearthed.
This, at a time when the radical ACORN reportedly has finally decided to jettison its founder, after the fact that his brother embezzled $1 million from the group (which then tried to cover up the fact) came to light.
Read the whole thing.
Also, it looks like my October 9th prognostication on ACORN corruption is coming true as well. It didn’t take any special insight to see that. All I had to do is not drink the Boulder lefty kool-aid.