Typical Daily Camera Hatchet job

Clay Evans picks up the “It’s all Bush’s fault” baton in this Daily Camera editorial. Clay concludes…

But at the political level, I wonder: Would we still be arguing, or would he look at the relative prosperity of the Clinton years (can you say “surplus” ?) and agree with me that the deregulating, big-spending (and borrowing), tax-cutting, wealthy-coddling Bush administration is the problem?

It’s always so simple in liberals eyes, especially the Daily Camera editors. No mention of sub-prime lending by Fannie and Freddie. Why not? I’ll not argue that Wall Street firms twisted this subprime paper into a bigger problem but there is plenty of blame to go around. Liberals can argue that more blame is the conservatives and vice-versa, but a biased conclusion like Clay writes only comes from someone who:

1. Is not interested in the truth
2. Who’s outlook on life is blinded by a combination of hatred of Bush and Wall Street and the liberal kool-aid.
3. Can’t even consider that just like this crisis is a combination of negative economic issues, the Clinton boom was also a confluence of various economic factors. No doubt Clinton can take credit for some, but some was a combination of unique times. Remember the Internet back then Clay?

In closing, this is a party line editorial with absolutely no critical thinking. Of course, critical thinking is not a prerequisite to writing an editorial in papers much larger than the Boulder Daily Camera. Not to mention that one thing Clay does know is his audience!

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