Team Obama, grow up

This happened in Colorado, when invited on a KCOL talk radio show they declined (read the link to see the actual history behind it). Which leads Ed Morrisey over at Hot Air to conclude…

Democrats have pushed for a restoration of the Fairness Doctrine, purportedly to provide more political balance in talk radio. When given an opportunity for balance, though, it appears that they’re less interested in engaging talk radio and more interested in shunning it. All Jones wanted was someone from the campaign to spout talking points, which isn’t exactly brain surgery for any campaign.

Also read how the Obama “team” takes on WGN and Howard Kurtz. Geez guys, this is a campaign. Ed Morrisey conclude this time…

So let’s get this straight. Team Obama calls Kurtz all of these names, and it’s Kurtz who’s the character assassin? For the second straight time on this topic, Team Obama has delivered a hysterical, shrieking offensive on a topic they’d be better off ignoring. Earlier this week, they demanded a criminal prosecution against a critic of The One for pointing out his association with unrepentant domestic terrorist William Ayers. Now they’ve attacked Kurtz through an organized campaign of character assassination.

Team Obama has become so overwrought at the mere thought of criticism that they now overreact on a constant basis. It’s a measure of the fear in the campaign that they have decided that they cannot abide any criticism at all, and instead of simply responding to it, they attempt to silence it instead. Worse, they seem to believe that the Department of Justice is a great tool for oppressing such criticism — while Democrats accuse the Bush administration of the same, which much less evidence for their allegations.

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