Monthly Archives: September 2008

Both types of greed are toxic

Greed for political power and greed for money are both toxic. When you combine them you get a financial crisis of earthshattering proportions. Read the greed for politcial power argument over at Hot Air where Ed Morrissey analyzes a 1999 … Continue reading

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Bailout bill fails

I don’t know if the bailout bill is a good or bad scheme. For the short term it is probably good, but I have little idea regarding the long term implications. Raising the debt ceiling by more than 10% with … Continue reading

Posted in bailout, decline of the west, politics | Leave a comment

What would you expect from Obama?

McCain had nothing to offer. Yea, right. Probably works for people who can’t pop the hood of their trunk. Read more about “Obama the arrogant“. Great picture by the way!

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Barack Obama truth squad

OMG, what the heck is going on here. What will happen if/when this guy becomes President and someone disagrees with him? The people in law enforcement so eager to sign up to be members of the “truth squad” is very … Continue reading

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Who won the debate?

According to the self selected group of Instapundit readers, McCain won in a landslide. I didn’t watch or listen to a lot of the debate. What I saw, I thought McCain did well, but Obama seemed to be doing a … Continue reading

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Washington Mutual ad received today

The advertisement below was part of an e-mail I received today… I don’t think that will happen again!

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How much is a dollar worth?

“Dr. Doom”, Marc Faber believes $700 billion isn’t close to enough. Marc Faber, editor & publisher of ‘The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report’, told CNBC’s Asia Squawk Box on Friday, he doubts that $700 billion would make any difference when … Continue reading

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Washington Mutual closed by government

Perhaps the closing of Washington Mutual by the government, the largest US bank failure ever, will spur our lawmakers to act on the bailout bill.

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Palin e-mail missing scandal

This article, “How to Blow a Scoop” sums it up and concludes… It’s an perfect lesson in what’s gone wrong with America’s major media. No potential scoop is so big that it can’t be ignored if it doesn’t conform to … Continue reading

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An American Carol

Looks like great entertainment to me.

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An American Carol

It looks like great entertainment to me.

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The bigger trap

In the post below the Diplomad claims McCain has laid a trap for Obama. Unfortunately for McCain, the House Republicans may have laid a trap for him.

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Imagine if he had to deal with the Iranians

The Diplomad believes the McCain campaign has laid a trap for Obama. As an analogy, he describes World War II battles in the Pacific where weaker American forces thwarted and defeated stronger Japanese forces. Oh, and in case you wondering, … Continue reading

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Boulder County kommissars under attack at debate

The Boulder County commissioners were under attack at the Land Use Coalition debate this afternoon. The first debate featuring all nine candidates for the three open Boulder County commissioner seats was full of sharp words, strong accusations and a general … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, freedom, land use | Leave a comment

Obama vs. NRA has supported Obama’s version of the truth regarding the NRA ads depicting Obama in an enemy of the 2nd amendment. Volokh Conspiracy takes a critial look at Obama’s records and Factcheck.orgs fact checking. Make sure and click on the … Continue reading

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Thin skinned Obama

Using lawyers to silence his critics. I fear this guy with the power of the Presidency. If he gets in office he can send the IRS goons after his enemies.

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McCain vs. NY Times

Powerline calls McCain’s attack on the NY Times “Going Nuclear“. Yes indeed, a partisan arm of the Obama campaign. Boulder Republicans can certainly relate to this issue with our local paper.

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, msm, politics | Leave a comment

MSM Amnesia

How come no one in the MSM remembers Barney Frank setting the table for the current financial crisis? Fortunately, John Hinderaker at Powerline refreshes our memory as he reviews a 2003 NY Times article. As you will see, Barney Frank … Continue reading

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New York Times – laughing stock

The McCain campaign unloads on the New York Times for their reporting that McCain-Palin 2008 campaign manager Rick Davis was paid by Freddie Mac until last month. Aside from calling the Times “an Obama advocacy organization” they continued… In fact, … Continue reading

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Malaysian blogger gets 2 years for insulting Islam

Raja Petra Kamaruddin, a Malaysian blogger finds himself heading to a detention center. Obviously, Malaysia is not on the top of my list of places to visit. Malaysia’s most prominent blogger has been ordered to spend two years in detention … Continue reading

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