Boulderites respond to McCain/Palin

and it’s so predictable. Below is a screen capture of the Daily Camera letters to the editor blog.

The first one is purely about Obama and the rest take on McCain/Palin in one form or another. Talk about groupthink. Here are some highlights…

From Michael Ray Harris…

Then I witnessed Barack Obama’s acceptance speech as the Democratic candidate for presidency of the United States of America. Uplifting? You bet. Inspiring? Absolutely. American? Definitely! In what was a historical moment for so many reasons, Mr. Obama vowed, above all else, to return the government to all of us. His words have revived a national civic lesson, asking both our people and our government to remember their roles in the American democracy. He has raised the specter of a re-born America with principles that will once again ensure a government unlike any other in the world.

Mr. Obama, thank you for restoring my true identity and belief in America. Now, please, keep your promise.

Michael Harris practiced law in California and Colorado for 15 years and is now an Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Denver.

Michael Ray Harris

At least Michael believes his credential are important.

From Ari Armstrong…

“I have to win here if I’m going to be the next president of the United States,” John McCain told a Colorado crowd in July. The fact that the Democrats came to Colorado for their convention also proves the presidential importance of the Interior West, a region known for its independent streak and partisan upheavals.

However, McCain seems not to have learned the political lessons of the Interior West, despite the fact that he’s from Arizona. By selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate to attract the evangelical vote, McCain risks alienating the independent voters and non- sectarian Republicans he needs to win.

From Melanie Buscher who feels for poor Bristol and can’t imagine how her Mom would treat her so poorly…

Where are all the voices of the conservative, “Family Values”
coalition today…in the wake of the wild, circus-like, free-for-all taking place at poor Bristol Palin’s expense? While those voices most certainly should not condemn that poor girl for making a mistake that many, many have made before—after all, how could she have known any better when her own mother chose to share abstinence advice over educating her properly about her own body—those “Family Values” voices should instead condemn the actions of Governor Sarah Palin, who in a time she is most needed by her family, chooses to put her own ambitions and those of her political party ahead of the needs and well- being of her daughter.

Does the Palins’ idea of Bristol growing up “faster than we had planned” include outing their daughter’s difficult situation to the media of the free world while she tries desperately to come to grips with the fact that just a few moments of unbridled, youthful passion have altered her foreseeable life forever? Isn’t that enough of a consequence in itself? And, if as John McCain’s campaign has asserted, he knew of Bristol’s predicament beforehand, is he the kind of man we want as our next President? Do we really want a President who would throw a young, unmarried pregnant woman to the wolves in order to achieve his lifetime dream? Senator McCain, even more than the Palins, understands all too well the scrutiny and unfair attacks suffered by those who seek political office—yet he is willing to let Bristol pay this price.

From Reed Bailey…

I am saddened by the media feeding frenzy around Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol’s unplanned pregnancy. But I am stunned by the jubilation the evangelical Republican base is expressing over Bristol’s unplanned pregnancy at seventeen, renewing their interest in voting Republican. What kind of people of faith would vote for candidates who propose we risk our children’s lives by keeping them ignorant of potential dangers to them? The Republican base now seems to encourage and even glorify teen pregnancies by refusing to educate their children about safe sex and birth control methods. Why are parents who deny vital safe sex education now heroes?

Certainly Ms. Palin has the right to teach abstinence to her children, but wise and responsible parents of faith know teenagers like Bristol are tempted to experiment with sex, so they teach their children how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies and deadly sexually transmitted diseases (STD). It is totally irresponsible for Ms Palin to subject her children to the risk of early pregnancies and deadly STD by advocating abstinence only sex education. Suggesting God wants her to keep her children ignorant about safe sex, because then they will go out and do it, is blind stupidity in my view. I suppose Ms Palin does not teach her teenagers the safety rules of the road, or the importance of seat belts, for fear they may sneak a joy ride in the family car? Palin should know better if she is really qualified to be our next VP.

From Dorothy Ogle…

The Republican Party told us that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that the people of Iraq would welcome us as liberators and that the resources of Iraq would pay for the war. Now they tell us that Sarah Palin is just as qualified to be President as Barak Obama. Why should we believe them?

Ever since Barak Obama gave the keynote speech four years ago, he has been in the national public eye. Since then the American people have been able to read his books, hear him debate national issues and hear his response to criticism from every corner. We have come to appreciate his knowledge about the U.S. Constitution, foreign affairs and security. Other than trusting the McCain campaign’s rushed vetting, on what basis can we judge Sarah Palin’s knowledge about U.S. domestic or foreign affairs, or even her knowledge about the U.S. Constitution or how the national government works?

None of these letters are particularly surprising, being from self-righteous Boulder liberals. The world is simple and the Boulderites will be glad to lead you to the promised land!

My suggestion is to keep it up, you look more desperate each and every day!

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