Before you believe the rumor mongers…

take Charlie Martins advice

What it does teach us, though, is to watch out for people reporting these rumors as fact. The old newspaper adage was “if your mother tells you she loves you, get a second source.” So here are some new ones — useful any time, but especially useful on these political rumors:

Any time you hear about a budget “cut,” check the previous year’s budget.

Consistently, every rumor about Palin cutting a budget has turned out to be an increase that was smaller than someone asked for.

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

This applies to a lot of the rumors on both sides, frankly. “Obama is a secret Muslim.” “Palin was a member of a secessionist party.” “Obama wasn’t born in the USA.” “McCain wasn’t born in the USA.” This applies especially to stories that match your preconceptions.

“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.”

The bigger the surprise would be, the less likely it’s true.

Applying these to most all the Palin and Obama rumors would have saved a lot of pixels over the last two years.

Is there conspiracy in the air regarding the influx of Sarah Palin rumors? Follow the above link.

Hat-tip to Instapundit.

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