Panel recommends retention of Judge James C. Klein

“Honorable” Judge James C. Klein received a rating of 3.38 out of 4.0, ranking him 73rd of 89 judges reviewed by the Colorado Commissions on Judicial Performance.

“Disagreement with the result should not be expressed as unhappiness with Judge Klein’s performance,” the commission wrote. They voted unanimously to retain him.

Excuse me, yes it should. I have been out to the site and I don’t know what planet Judge Klein is from but he has ruled incorrectly. I don’t need any panel of his peers to tell me how to vote. Judge Klein, start looking for a new job. I’m sure you can get one with the law firm that that Dick and Edie used.

Further commenting on Judge Klein…

Boulder District Judge James C. Klein, appointed in 2005, found himself at the center of a Boulder County adverse property possession case this year. It garnered him plenty of public criticism, but the commission report asserts that it was one case of more than 1,000 the judge handled in his three years on the bench. He received high marks overall.

Well, there have been other controversial cases that Judge Klein is open to criticism for…

Monday’s sentencing of a Louisville woman to 20 years of intensive supervised probation — but no prison time — for having sex with an underage boy once again raises the question of whether female and male sex offenders get equal treatment under the law.

added 10/5/2008

For additional information on Judge Klein scroll down the left sidebar and select the labels ‘Judge Klein’ and ‘land grab’.

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