It takes an idiot

Instapundit sums up the bias in the media coverage as only he can. Concluding…

Readers will be forgiven for concluding that there are different standards for left and right. They will not be forgiven for concluding the opposite, since only an idiot would think that at this point . . . .

And yes, the Camera reported on the McCain/lobbyist issue. Clay evans did his usual salute to the New York Time, noting that…

The story relied on some anonymous sources, but contrary to the outcry from the right-wing punditry, it was not simply a slash-and-burn hack piece.

Of course, Clay is preaching to the choir in Boulder, as I can’t imagine there are any conservatives that actually subscribe to the paper. I’ll take the internet over The Daily Camera or Clay Evans anyday. They are quickly becoming irrelevant.

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