Hot dogs and cancer…

Hot dogs increase risk of colon cancer, well when all the planets align; and to date myself, so does peanut-butter.

A new TV commercial shows kids eating hot dogs in a school cafeteria and one little boy’s haunting lament: “I was dumbfounded when the doctor told me I have late-stage colon cancer.”

It’s a startling revelation in an ad that vilifies one of America’s most beloved, if maligned, foods, while stoking fears about a dreaded disease.

As Michele Catalano statements regarding PETA ring quite true in this case as well…

Maybe if these groups didn’t use the equivalent of a letter bomb as means of delivery, more people would take them seriously.

And of course,

The bottom line from several nutritionists familiar with the ad is this: Hot dogs aren’t exactly a “health food,” but eating one every now and then probably won’t hurt you.

“My concern about this campaign is it’s giving the indication that the occasional hot dog in the school lunch is going to increase cancer risk,” said Colleen Doyle, the American Cancer Society’s nutrition director. “An occasional hot dog isn’t going to increase that risk.”

The groups leader has this to say…

Dr. Neal Barnard, president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, called the ad “a way to raise appropriate concern about a deadly concern.” Barnard also heads The Cancer Project, an offshoot of his anti-meat advocacy group.

This egghead needs to read Michele’s PETA article. Too much money, too little common sense and a bunch of wacko’s.

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