Google and blog blocking

It appears google’s software bug that takes down blogs has a political bias…

The problem Google describes is a software bug, one that should not affect one philosophy more than another. And yet the reports of mistaken blog takedowns by Google seem to be all from right-wing bloggers. The latest public report, cited in the New York Sun article linked to above, is of Mitchell Langbert’s Blog. Langbert blogs, he says, mostly on academic matters, and some on politics. Dating back to the last round of closures the Atlas Shrugs blog has a list of blogs taken down by Google, many anti-Obama, some pro-Hillary.

I disagree with the authors conclusion (bold is mine)..

The evidence increasingly leads me to believe that someone is gaming the Google system to knock off blogs they wish to suppress. I don’t believe for a second that Google is consciously involved, but by now they should know they need either to fix their software or switch to practices like WordPress’s. They’ve got enough money to hire people to do this stuff.

My politcal postings are more locally focused, but c’mon google, make my day!

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