City of Boulder: Poor losers

No surprise, they lost the case against Thunderbird Burgers staying open until 2am and serving beer so now they’re acting like little children.

But while Thunderbird Burgers won the right to keep serving booze past 11 p.m., the city may soon try to force the restaurant — and others that try to open in residential neighborhoods — to close their doors entirely at 11 p.m.

The Niwot based Left Hand Courier had an article about local resident Dwight Wederquist, who interestingly enough teaches conflict resolution.

After his career in public education, Wederquist taught classes in conflict management, emphasizing the premise that when people lose power, they lose respect and when they feel powerless, they lash out. He started his own company offering private conflict management and personnel mediation.

Indeed. (bold and italics are mine)

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