Daily Archives: August 21, 2008

PETA tactics

Michele Catalano comments on the “preaching to the choir” tactics of PETA and other like minded groups… I have no problem with PETA’s message, and I have nothing against people who want to save the environment, save the whales, feed … Continue reading

Posted in enviro wackos | Leave a comment

Drain America first

John Stossel on the myth of energy independence. Most every politician and pundit says “energy independence” is a great idea. Presidents have promised it for 35 years. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we were self-sufficient, protected from high prices, supply … Continue reading

Posted in alt energy, energy | Leave a comment

What a surprise, underage gymnasts

I believe this Chinese underage gynmast article is from the London Times via Fox news… A determined U.S. computer expert has delved into cached pages on the Internet to unearth Chinese official documents showing a gymnast who took gold in … Continue reading

Posted in Culture of Corruption, Olympics | Leave a comment

Nashville schools teach students to understand math

Apparently this is a “new” idea. “When we found shortcomings, we went back and taught it again. We pulled kids for tutoring. I just break it down to little pieces of math and show (students) what they mean so they … Continue reading

Posted in Education, math | Leave a comment

Buy a free ticket!

Watch the video over at Power Line. Apparently Obama can’t get enough money.

Posted in Obama, politics | Leave a comment

Are Dem’s living in a bubble?

According to Power Line, if Obama picks Joe Biden as his running mate they are. Some time in the next 48 hours, Barack Obama will announce his running mate. The current favorite seems to be Joe Biden. I hope it’s … Continue reading

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