Monthly Archives: July 2008

Highlights from Dick and Edie’s summer newsletter

(click on individual images to enlarge)

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McLean/Stevens get lampooned by neighbor

Highlights from the Boulder Daily Camera article… Jeff Bradley, a freelance writer and Boulder resident living near the disputed Hardscrabble Drive lot, this week began circulating a fake Fourth of July holiday newsletter via e-mail — posing as Richard McLean … Continue reading

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Kelo, whatever happened?

Well, the little pink house was finally moved but the fiasco continues. Like so many other projects that use eminent domain and rely on taxpayer subsidies, New London’s Fort Trumbull project has been a failure. After spending $78 million in … Continue reading

Posted in stoopid parents | Leave a comment

Drill, Drill, Drill at ANWR

From the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii takes on the “we can’t drill ourselves out of our energy problem” mantra. Drilling is no silver bullet. But it is vital. It won’t generate overnight production. But just announcing that America is finally … Continue reading

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Vote for McCain

because you can’t vote for “none of the above“.

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Lower national speed limit

Not a surprise coming out of our elected officials, but I didn’t expect it to be a Republican. My first thought on reading the headline was if “they” want to set a lower National Speed Limit their part of the … Continue reading

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Longmont Times Call poll on 2nd amendment

The wording of this poll is amazingly lame, but you get the idea. I must admit to being surprised how much in favor of the Supreme Court ruling the polltakers are. Of course it isn’t scientific. If the Boulder Daily … Continue reading

Posted in gun rights | Leave a comment

Meeting of Boulder Property Rights Group

The Boulder Property Rights Coalition had their inaugural meeting last night. I would have like to attended but had scheduling conflicts. You can read about it here. I surely would have liked to hear the details of the Marshall case. … Continue reading

Posted in land grab II | Leave a comment

In Randi Rhodes fantasy world

In Randi Rhodes fantasy world she and Tim Russert are apparently pretty close to equals. Their names don’t belong in the same sentence. Not even the same paragraph, the same page, the same book or the same CD. She should … Continue reading

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The puppy and the hat

Here’s the picture that outraged the Muslims in Britain. And Rachel Lucas is quite eager to share her opinion. Here’s her “letter to Britain”… Dear Britain: the more you apologize for stupid shit like this, the more you will be … Continue reading

Posted in decline of the west, idiocy | Leave a comment

The company Obama keeps

Dig it. Hat-tip to Instapundit.

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Puppy in the hat offensive to Muslim’s

As Instapundit says, “You can’t make this stuff up” and concludes… Sadly, you don’t have to. It’s amazing what a combination of PC multi-culti guilt and a credible threat of violence will get you, though I’m guessing that it’s mostly … Continue reading

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Fat monkeys in Japan….

Apparently a combination of the park being open 24 hours a day, poor diet and being fed by park visitors have contributed to the problem. See the video report here. Ewwwww………..

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Lunch with Buffett

$2.1 million for lunch with Warren. That’s 3x list years bid. The big spender who won this year’s “Power Lunch with Warren Buffett” charity auction with a record high bid of $2,110,100 is Zhao Danyang of the Hong-Kong based Pure … Continue reading

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Dennis Miller takes on Harry Reid

Way to go Dennis. If only I could be 1/10th as eloquent.

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, idiocy | Leave a comment

Harry Reid is leadership?

Oil makes us sick. Coal makes us sick. You can’t make this stuff up! Hey… I’m for solar, geothermal, switchgrass bassed ethanol, etc. But if Harry Reid wants to see “sickness” he should turn of the oil spigot. It makes … Continue reading

Posted in alt energy, Boulder is stoopid, energy, enviro wackos | Leave a comment

Quality of news….

Driving home today from Taos, NM I listened to a number of radio stations. In the news they ALL mentioned that oil had traded as high as $143/barrel. I was quite suspicious when they didn’t mention the actual price at … Continue reading

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