Monthly Archives: July 2008

Steroid testing in Texas

I call two positives out of 10,407 tests a waste of $3 million dollars. What an idiotic way to (continue) spending money. Of course a politician would say… I pushed this important legislation through the Legislature because I knew it … Continue reading

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Up to 6 months for the retaliator

Gotta love it… For more than two years, Sydney Davis’ house has been under siege from stone-throwing youths. And more than two hours into the latest attack on his family home, the police had yet to respond. So after a … Continue reading

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DWI and being stone cold sober

The Mesa Police Department is standing behind the officer. Oh, beam me up. Talk about an upcoming lawsuit layed out on a silver platter.

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Democratic convention food

Food rules for the convention. Oh, to have a food cart outside the convention selling hamburgers, french fries and soda!

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T Boone on wind and natural gas

Added 12:55pm: CBS Marketwatch comments on T. Boone Pickens energy plans. Commneting on the conflict of interest… There’s nothing wrong with promoting your own self-interest along with the public’s, and as Pickens argues, he’s too old and too rich to … Continue reading

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Three trash carts part II

I forgot to mention that I spoke with Western Disposal and they will pick up the recycling and composting carts about a month after they drop them off if I so request. That will also be the time they replace … Continue reading

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Crude oil prices

(click to enlarge)Note the dates are “european style” so 03.07 means July 3rd. Data is from Live Charts out of the UK.

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A promise China can’t keep

In 2001, China’s Communist leaders promised the International Olympic Committee that it would allow free media access to both the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the country as a whole. So far signs aren’t good that Beijing will honor its word. … Continue reading

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Map of 2nd Congressional District

Chart from wikipedia. Democrats Running: Joan Fitz-GeraldJared PolisWill Shafroth Republicans Running: Scott StarinTom Stone

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Women, need five grand?

donate an egg! Taken in Boulder on 28th Street a few blocks south of Iris. Is this a common practice? added 7/8, 6:25pm: The wife unit says I’m quite of out touch on these matters.

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Biofuels were supposed to save Earth and wean us off fossil fuels. Instead they have raised food prices while harming the environment and taking food from a hungry world and burning it in our gas tanks. As the World Bank … Continue reading

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Jared Polis, you need to get out more…

From todays IBD… London’s Sunday Times called it “the culmination of one of the most spectacular victories of the war on terror.” A terrorist force that once numbered more than 12,000, with strongholds in the west and central regions of … Continue reading

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Toddlers and racism

These people really need to find something else to do, with both their day job and no doubt their spare time as well.

Posted in the weekend, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Three trash carts

Thanks to the Boulder County Commissioners, Ben Pearlman, Will Toor and Cindy Dominico, starting July 16th I will have 3 trash carts in my garage. One (formerly) 96 gallon for trash, one 64 gallon for single stream recycling and finally … Continue reading

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Boulder County Recycling

We are governed by idiots. The idiots would be the County Commissioners

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Who favors increased oil and gas exploration?

According to a recent Pew poll, almost everyone but Republicans and of course Boulderites. Read about it here.

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Get in before the law changes

According to the head clerk for Boulder District Court and reported by the Camera, 15 adverse possession cases were filed this June in an apparent attempt to file before the new updated law comes into affect. Of the 25 active … Continue reading

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Finish the job

I get this strange feeling these soldiers would not support Jared Polis, candidate for the 2nd Congressional District in Colorado. One of his campaign mailings is right in front of me and states Jared’s Iraq war position as: Fight tooth … Continue reading

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Boulder land grab post…

over at the Colorado Index (warning Boulderites, this is a Republican website). Found this landgrab post purely by accident via the wonders of search engines. It’s “old” as it was posted in May 2008 after the Kirlins lost their appeal. … Continue reading

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Speaking of the Honorable Judge James C. Klein

He had another rather controversial ruling recently in a teacher child sexual relations case… Monday’s sentencing of a Louisville woman to 20 years of intensive supervised probation — but no prison time — for having sex with an underage boy … Continue reading

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