Monthly Archives: July 2008

Obama and education

Barack Obama chose Jeanne Century as one his educational advisors. John Dewey has an open letter to Barack in Ed News. It starts out… I am very distressed to learn about your selection of Jeanne Century as one of your … Continue reading

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Stop oil speculation now

The airline execs are screaming “no mas”. Below is the letter they are sending out to their customers. Visit their new website, StopOilSpeculationNow. The airline execs appear to be blind to the very simple message the markets are sending… 1. … Continue reading

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Disciminating against “Dogging”

Rachel takes on the Brit’s again as only she can.

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I could care less

about George Lucas’ political opinion. Apparently I’m not alone. Found the poll over at Newmark’s Door.

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Oil: Never mind…

I take it all back! Oil up over $10 is less than 48 hours. Chart courtesy of live charts in the UK.

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Large dish antennas on Table Mountain

Looking the other way from the buffalo, at the northwestern edge or Table Mountain… (click on picture to enlarge)

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Where the Buffalo roam

Near Table Mountain, west of Longmont on Nelson road. (click to zoom in) Make sure and zoom in, the buffalo are on the ridge in the background.

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1932 Pierce Arrow suffering from vapor lock

I drove past this car early this afternoon and turned around to help as it was obviously stalled. Apparently at high temperatures these older cars are susceptible to vapor lock. According to the driver (not the owner) this is a … Continue reading

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City loses another micromanaging effort

Well the city of Boulder lost in the Colorado court of appeals in it’s effort to regulate when a restaurant could serve liquor. The city of Boulder can’t tell a local restaurant to stop serving alcohol at 11 p.m., the … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, idiocy | Leave a comment

Jared doing his part….

to keep the Daily Camera in business. I don’t get the print edition so I have no idea how much advertising he does there, but Jared pretty much owns the Opinion section of the on-line edition. You can’t go there … Continue reading

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Top 1% earners pay > 40% taxes

Darren comments on soaking the rich. Are you a socialist in Darren’s eye?

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FTC harasses Taos herb company

So Native Essence Herb Co is fighting back and suing the FTC. ….the FTC maintains that claims based on historical or traditional herbal use should be substantiated by scientific evidence. The agency’s guidelines also say advertisers should not suggest, directly … Continue reading

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Lets hear it for single payer big governement health care

TORONTO — My country promises everyone quality health care coverage that is free at the point of service and financed through taxes. But unfortunately for me and millions of Canadians, the actions of our government all too often belie that … Continue reading

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Warrentless wiretapping

The WSJ just sent me a news release … The U.S. Senate Wednesday voted to approve final passage of legislation overhauling the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, ending one of the most hotly disputed issues in the current session of Congress. … Continue reading

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2nd Congressional district debate this Friday

The upcoming debate: Who: 2nd Congressional DemocratsJared PolisJoan Fitz-GeraldWill Shafroth When: 12 noon Where: Boulder County Municipal Building1777 Broadway You can read the Daily Camera article on the debate here. Jared couldn’t help making an appearance in the comments section…. … Continue reading

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John Templeton Rest in Peace

Mutual fund manager John Templeton passed away on this Tuesday. The Wall Street journal has a nice writeup on his life, and an article today titled “Maximum Optimist”. Both are must reads for long term investors. Sir John Templeton, the … Continue reading

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Non-citizens on Boulder city council boards

I hope this proposal makes it to the November election simply so it is “revealed” to the legal citizens of Boulder that their elected officials to City Council are out of touch with their values. A controversial measure to allow … Continue reading

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It’s all Bush’s fault

The poor Congressional approval rating that is. Don Surber brings us the highlights… Rasmussen reported that under the leadership of Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, most people hate Congress. It is not even close. … Continue reading

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Who is that masked man?

An IBD editorial concludes… Back in the days of the “Lone Ranger” program, someone would ask, “Who is that masked man?” People need to start asking that question about Barack Obama .

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Killing their own civilization

That would be England by the way, according to an editorial in todays Investors Business Daily. It starts out… Unassisted SuicideBy INVESTOR’S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Tuesday, July 08, 2008 4:20 PM PT Western Culture: If we didn’t know better, … Continue reading

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