Monthly Archives: July 2008

Are you worried your bank might fail?

asks todays Fox business news poll. And the answer is… 21% seems like a pretty high number! This must be related to a recent ABC news poll that states that the consumer hasn’t been this gloomy in over 27 years.

Posted in economy, gloom and doom | Leave a comment

Warning for Parents of twins…

You probably want to stay away from the Seattle school system.

Posted in Education, idiocy, the weekend | Leave a comment

Party like its 1929

Hundreds Demand Money From Failed California Bank Unfortunately, I believe there will be more posts like this.

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Damn engineers…

This dude must have been mighty unhappy. He’s going to be paying for this for quite a while I suspect. A disgruntled city computer engineer has virtually commandeered San Francisco’s new multimillion-dollar computer network, altering it to deny access to … Continue reading

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Colorado DMV

The Colorado DMV office in Longmont appears to be staffed by employees that suffer from a severe case of MDD (motivational deficit disorder). Apparently the statewide DMV management folks running the show haven’t been performing their jobs up to professional … Continue reading

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Drive 55

The call for 55 mph speed limit is increasing in volume. Even with gas prices cresting above $4 a gallon, large SUVs, pickup trucks and even Toyota Priuses barrel down freeways here in suburban Detroit at more than 75 miles … Continue reading

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Oil sliding $10/barrel in early trading

Chart form Live Charts in the UK. This might be good news for the economy. Extreme volatility today.

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Oil sliding $10/barrel in early trading

This might be good news for the economy.

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Google/Blogger too easily manipulated

Anti-Obama Bloggers Question Why Google Froze Their Accounts Taking 5 days to clear this up is totally unacceptable. I already have a WordPress blog on another subject. Eventually I’ll change this blog over to WordPress as well. Of course, this … Continue reading

Posted in google is stoopid, Obama | Leave a comment

DC Government shenanigans

Instapundit comments on Washington DC’s compliance with the Heller supreme court decision. “If you want to keep a handgun in your home, the MPD will have to perform ballistic testing on it before it can be legally registered. . . … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, gun rights, property rights | Leave a comment

Fannie and Freddie…

To big to fail? Megan McCardle describes a really big hangover regarding the government bailout of these Government Sponsored Entities (GSE’s).

Posted in finance, foreclosure | Leave a comment

The other side of the Oil story

From the ICE (Intercontinental Exchange) comes to the defense of speculators. I strongly recommend reading the expert opinions. Here’s one opinion… “That additional oversight of commodity markets wasn’t the answer to record oil prices.” “Oil producers that haven’t invested enough … Continue reading

Posted in energy, speculation | Leave a comment

Kiss the Democratic party goodbye

Robert Redford makes the overly simplistic statement… IF BARACK Obama doesn’t win November’s presidential election in the United States, “you can kiss the Democratic Party goodbye”, the actor and director Robert Redford told an audience in Dublin last night. Seems … Continue reading

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Garmin-Chipoltle anti-doping policy

Read it here. Every rider is tested every 14 days. That’s over 600 annual reminders to the world that Slipstream stands behind its mission of clean sport. The Agency for Cycling Ethics (ACE) independently administers the program. ACE tests Slipstream … Continue reading

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Tour de France doping

My sentiments are echoed by Pat McQuaid “When are these idiots going to learn that it’s over?” said Pat McQuaid, the leader of the International Cycling Union. “They continue to think that they can beat the system. They’re wrong. The … Continue reading

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Tony Snow

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Tony Snow

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Find more, use less (oil that is)

Lamar Alexander makes some excellent points regarding the need to find more oil, use less and the Republicans plans make it happen. “Find more” means we would increase U.S. oil production by one-third through offshore exploration and Western states’ oil … Continue reading

Posted in airline stocks, energy, Obamanomics | Leave a comment

Gold is reflecting tension in financial markets

As shown in this monthly chart, which reflects prices through the end of today. (click to enlarge) Chart courtesy of

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Global Warming

The Arctic, getting warmer: “The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot,” according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from US Consul Ifft, at … Continue reading

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