Monthly Archives: July 2008

Boulder Governance

Darren gives Boulderites a peak into government programs headed for Boulder. Heck, some of it’s probably already here. I really like the justification of Daniel Webster for the “good intentions” of goverment: Good intentions will always be pleaded for every … Continue reading

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Universal music attorneys

I can understand that the Music industry is fighting for its life, still there’s a special place in hell for the ahole attorneys who went after this mother over this You Tube video. Go get’em Stephanie.

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Al Gore, the hypocrite

Betsy summarizes… Yup, that’s conservation for you and me, but not for the High Priest.

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, energy, enviro wackos, global warming | Leave a comment

The Greg Norman fairy tale continues

Greg Norman leads the British Open by 2 shots at the end of the 3rd round. And here’s a great article written after the 2nd round. SOUTHPORT, England — Let me make sure I’ve got this right. Situated second on … Continue reading

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Fairy tale British Open

At the half way point the fairy tale is still alive. Guess I should check out what happening this morning? Tiger Woods on crutches was supposed to be a chance for someone else to seize the spotlight at the British … Continue reading

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Dayglo pink Hummer

I’d day this Hummer attracts your attention more than most? This picture was take at the Lowe’s at the intersection of 104th and I-25. Taking a look at the license plate frame, one must assume the owner is Mrs. Globe … Continue reading

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APS takes it back

It appears 1 of their 39 societies can think for themselves. Of course it isn’t peer reviewed thinking.

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Greenland, let’s pile on while we’re at it

News Flash! It will take thousands of years for ice melt from Greenland to effect sea levels. For global warming activists, Greenland is the most potent weapon of fear in their arsenal. With Antarctica cooling, and the floating ice at … Continue reading

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Global warming skeptics get a new friend

We know they are all around, hiding just out of earshot. But we’re not talking about your average “Joe” from the south with no education, we’re talking about the American Physical Society, an organization representing 50,000 physicists. Read about their … Continue reading

Posted in breath of fresh air, global warming | 1 Comment

Heller: Won but still losing

Read about the red tape obstacle course the DC government is throwing up to thwart the spirit of the Supreme Court order and prevent hand gun possession by law abiding citizens. Perhaps it’s time to join the NRA: The National … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, Heller | Leave a comment

Freddie to sell up to $10 billion in stock

Inquiring minds want to know, who in the heck would buy it? What kind of financial incentives or government armtwisting is going on behind the scenes? From the WSJ e-mail I just received (this link may work for non-subscribers)… Mortgage … Continue reading

Posted in subprime | Leave a comment

I miss Bill (Clinton that is) bumper sticker

Taken in the Borders bookstore parking lot in Longmont yesterday (Wednesday) evening. I’m confused, if Obama is the candidate of change, but this guy “misses Bill” is he for change or not? It’s probably safe to say that he’s for … Continue reading

Posted in County Government, Obama | Leave a comment

I now have THREE trash carts

Thanks to the incompetence of do gooder Boulder County Commissioners Will Toor, Ben Pearlman and Cindy Domenico I now have three trash carts. Whoops I guess technically they aren’t all trash carts. What I have is as follows: 1 – … Continue reading

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Al Gore’s an idiot

Gore’s speech turned out to be everything they’d feared. He set an impossibly ambitious target — all electricity in America to be generated from wind, sun and other non-fossil-fuel sources in 10 years — and proposed a carbon tax to … Continue reading

Posted in alt energy, enviro wackos, idiocy | Leave a comment

Power corrupts

If Rangel’s telling the truth it’s even more pathetic.

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Red Cross donors…

You might want to read this before you donate more dollars or use blood from the Red Cross.

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Oil continues downward stairstep

One hour bar Chart courtesy of Live Charts in the UK. Note that time is in GMT and date format in European. An $11 downward move in two days, can’t be bad for the economy and probably good for the … Continue reading

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Oil price stabilizing

After Crude oil fell $10/barrel this morning, the price appears to have stablized in the $138 – $139 area. At least until tomorrow morning!? Each bar on the chart below represents 1 hour. Also note the UK date notation is … Continue reading

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Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) offlimit areas

or at least they were, thank you Mr. President. Now the ball is in the Democrats court. Read what the Power Line guys have to say about OCS drilling.

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Drill in the gulf? Naples, FL residents answer

and the answer is: Apparently they have been visiting the Dill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less. website.

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