Non-citizens on Boulder city council boards

I hope this proposal makes it to the November election simply so it is “revealed” to the legal citizens of Boulder that their elected officials to City Council are out of touch with their values.

A controversial measure to allow non-citizens to serve on Boulder city commissions joined a half-dozen measures Tuesday that could end up on this fall’s ballot.

The City Council approved those measures on first reading, but they will have to be approved again in early August if they’re going to go before voters — and some may not make it all the way to the November ballot.

The City Council decided to change the measure concerning boards and commissions to remove the citizenship requirement entirely, and instead make anyone who’s lived in the city for one year eligible to serve.

According to this new Daily Camera non-scientfic, hot off the press poll, the ballot issues doesn’t stand a chance. I can only hope it’s true. I’ll update the poll at the end of the day as this seems awfully lopsided for Boulder.

Interestingly enough..

Several members of the council noted that Boulder County only requires residency, not citizenship.

“The county doesn’t have these rules, and somehow the world has survived for all these years, and hopefully they’ve gotten representation from a more diverse segment of the community,” City Councilman Matt Appelbaum said.

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