Kiss the Democratic party goodbye

Robert Redford makes the overly simplistic statement

IF BARACK Obama doesn’t win November’s presidential election in the United States, “you can kiss the Democratic Party goodbye”, the actor and director Robert Redford told an audience in Dublin last night.

Seems a bit melodramatic to me, good ol’ Robert is busy sounding like other Hollywood types that were going to leave the country if George Bush were elected.

The Democrats control both the house and the senate, although not by a veto proof majority; though may well have a veto proof majority after November, regardless of the outcome of the Presidential race.

One of the main problems with Obama is he’s a novice. The Boulder Daily Camera won’t endorse candidates for County Commissioner based experience reasons, so if there’s value for experience in that post, certainly he doesn’t have enough experience to be President.

Of course, it’s all about change, hopes and dreams.

Oh and no doubt, the Camera will endorse Obama, not to mention the Democratic party isn’t going away, regardless of the Presidential election results or what Robert Redford has to say.

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