Greenland, let’s pile on while we’re at it

News Flash! It will take thousands of years for ice melt from Greenland to effect sea levels.

For global warming activists, Greenland is the most potent weapon of fear in their arsenal. With Antarctica cooling, and the floating ice at the North Pole incapable of affecting sea levels, Greenland alone can contribute the vast amounts of melted ice capable of flooding cities. Greenland — which began gradually melting at the end of the last ice age some 20,000 years ago — continues to slowly shed ice today.
The only problem? It’s melting far too slowly. At its current rate, Greenland will take thousands of years to significantly affect sea level.

Hey, hey, hey, I’d like to get some cheap coastal property..

Claiming losses in coastal property values, a group of Spanish homeowners and investors last month threatened Greenpeace with legal action over exaggerated claims of sea level rise.

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