Find more, use less (oil that is)

Lamar Alexander makes some excellent points regarding the need to find more oil, use less and the Republicans plans make it happen.

“Find more” means we would increase U.S. oil production by one-third through offshore exploration and Western states’ oil shale. This will over time produce at least 3 million barrels a day. “Use less” means we would reduce imported oil by one-third by making it easier for millions of Americans to drive plug-in electric cars and trucks. This will over time reduce Americans’ use of oil by 4 million barrels a day. Just those three provisions – deep sea exploration, Western shale, and plug-in cars – will allow us to cut our oil imports in half.

Unfortunately, most Democrats still insist on trying to repeal half the law of supply and demand.

Instead of Economics 101, we might call this new theory “Obamanomics.”

When we say “offshore exploration,” they say “No, we can’t.” When we say “oil shale development,” they say “No, we can’t.” When we say “more nuclear power for clean electricity to power plug-in cars and trucks,” they say “No, we can’t.”

They would rather our country beg Saudi Arabia and other countries for more oil when we already have larger reserves than the Saudis offshore and in shale in Western states.

Republicans will do BOTH – find more and use less – and we intend to work hard and in good faith to find a way for Democrats to say “yes we can,” too.

Bold and italics are mine.

Alexanders common sense approach is exactly what the nation needs. What are the Republican’s calling this legislation?

The Gas Price Reduction Act of 2008

Perhaps our friendly airline exec’s who want the government to help them with oil prices by reigning in speculation, should give Lamar Alexander a call. At the very least this should be their “plan B”. In my opinion, it should be their “plan A”.

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