Instapundit comments on Washington DC’s compliance with the Heller supreme court decision.
“If you want to keep a handgun in your home, the MPD will have to perform ballistic testing on it before it can be legally registered. . . . Firearms in the home must be stored unloaded and disassembled, and secured with either a trigger lock, gun safe, or similar device. The new law will allow an exception for a firearm while it is being used against an intruder in the home.” So you can assemble it and load it after the burglar breaks in, without breaking the law. How helpful! This seems flatly inconsistent with the Court’s opinion in Heller.
I’m sorry, you just can’t make this stuff up. It’s like a beligerant child who refuses to take his medicine. Grow up.
Of course, why does Boulder need 100’s of megabytes of land use regulations? To take away our property rights, just like DC took away their citizens gun rights.