Boulder land grab post…

over at the Colorado Index (warning Boulderites, this is a Republican website). Found this landgrab post purely by accident via the wonders of search engines. It’s “old” as it was posted in May 2008 after the Kirlins lost their appeal.

Some interesting points in the post…

Our guess is that Judge Klein may be looking for new employment after the fall election. If the number of hits that this site gets when we write about it is any indication, many more folks than usual will be voting not to retain the guy. Usually, every judge gets about a 40% non retain vote. It doesn’t take that many folks to move it to 50%.

I didn’t realize that non-retention votes on judges were typically so high. If this is the case then it appears Judge Klein may well be looking for a new job.

As I’m sure most people who follow the case already know, Judge Klein ruled in private on documentation only. This lead the Colorado Index to report and conclude…

Acting in private, without public arguments means that none of the litigants got to challenge each other in court. That is not good. Someone is clearly lying. The public is denied the chance to take a good look at Judge Klein’s handling of the situation and the presentation of the witnesses.

If we were Boulder voters, we would be voting not to retain Judge Klein because he refused to make the hearing public.

Vote NO on Judge James C. Klein this November.

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