ANWAR, lions and tigers and bears Oh My!

Another typical don’t drill in ANWAR column in the Denver Post from yesterday. Here’s a typical liberal end of the world as we know it conclusion…

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is an iconic gesture of hope. It is the hope of all those who worked for its protection over the last century, and a hope that comes “from the eyes of the future looking back,” praying that we act with restraint in the trying days that have come with this century. As a nation, we are neither so poor that we need to sacrifice such a treasure, nor so rich that we can afford to do so. While a lone man in Washington and his party leaders may clamor for its exploitation, the mighty migration of the 100,000-strong porcupine caribou herd has made its way to its summering grounds on the coastal plain, the biological heart of the refuge.

After ANWAR is developed I bet the 100,000 (or more) storng porcupine caribou herd will be doing just fine.

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